If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give.  

Who has God created me to be?

Australian cowgirl Susie Thompson... former Women's Chaplain for Australian Rodeo and Barrel, now living in the USA 

Neither born or raised in rodeo,  my passion for this amazing sport came later in life through my youngest daughters desire to barrel race.
Already developing a love for team penning, we decided to try rodeo through the NRA circuit and not being one to sit  on the sideline, I got myself a roping/barrel horse and joined in the fun. With good friends like Jo Fisher and Liz O’Halloran, I was soon welcomed into the close knit family of rodeo.
It had always been my desire to combine my love for the Lord with my love for rodeo, so in 2009  I approached the NRA board about becoming their Women's Chaplain.
Through this role I have met many wonderful, talented women who have encouraged me, as much as I have encouraged them.

It was about 15 years ago that I had a dream that changed my whole attitude towards life. In this dream I had died and gone to heaven. I was walking with God, holding his hand when he led me to a big warehouse.
It was as big as a aircraft hanger and had huge doors. God opened the doors and inside were thousands upon thousands of presents. They were stacked to the roof, all shapes and sizes, wrapped in so many different papers and some even had bows on top of them. They were placed in rows and seemed to go on forever. I was so excited and turned to God and said "is this my reward in heaven?".  God turned and looked at me but he had sadness in His eyes........He said " No this is all the gifts and opportunities I had for you while you were on earth...but you were too busy,.... too lazy,..... too distracted or just not interested in what I had for you." I was devastated.
 Since having that dream I have felt an urgency to try to seek the opportunities God has each and every day for me and my family. I have taught our children to prayerfully follow their dreams, not waste precious time asking God "why", but rather ask Him "where and who, Lord?"
I want to get to heaven and see an empty warehouse!
One of my favourite quotes is....When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me".
So therefore I love to create new things, that pioneering spirit in the Ol' West is where I love to dream, in that place where depending on God for what seems to be impossible is an everyday way of life. I have found this to be tried and tested through my mission work that I have done in Vanuatu, working in the slums in Port Villa for 10 years has given me testimonies in God I could have never even dreamt of.
 God always has a much bigger plan in mind than we do, he has certainly shown me that in the last three years. So if you are going to pray, you might as well pray big!!
God has truly blessed me and I hope that with the Lord's guidance I can be a blessing to others.
A Scripture dear to me is found in the New Testament book of Romans.
Romans 8:28........ And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Your headline


23.06.2020 03:13

Rita Barber

Love reading about your family...but became a vegan more than 10 years ago, so rodeo and riding god's animals breaks my heart.....

25.04.2012 11:02

Sue Bartlett

Hi, I wrote all the poetry except the cowgirl prayer which was written by my friend Caron, hope u enjoyed it.

24.04.2012 21:59


who wrote the poem... "it's just the cowgirl way"

23.01.2011 00:49

Debbi Heaton

Sue...your beautiful page bought a tear to my eye!! It's so honest but peaceful!! I read it quickly the 1st time but slowly the next 2 times!!