Jul. 25, 2019


Late night viewing

Blogged in 2010
This morning I have decided in my infinite amount of wisdom (not!), that I shouldn't  watch America's Worst Prisons before going to bed. It certainly didn't enhance my dream time and I know it was about an hour before I even got to sleep.

However it was incredible to see the danger and organized crime that can still go on under such tight security. It was also interesting to see how people adapt under such a different lifestyle. Some actually find comfort in being a prisoner.
This led me to start thinking what things in my own emotions, thoughts and actions were keeping me a prisoner from doing the opportunities God has planned for me. Is fear, unforgiveness, bitterness, envy, worry or even self pity holding me back?
Everyday is a new day, a new opportunity to clear our lives of these hindrances, that we just might have adapted to living with. Some of which we could even find comfort in having around.
Say a prayer today and hand them over to God. We don't need them.
Oh, and don't watch that show before bed if you want to get a good nights sleep.

Jul. 25, 2019



Blogged in 2010

Sometimes I catch myself daydreaming what it would have been like to have lived 100yrs ago. Somewhere out on the prairies of Texas, miles from the nearest town or neighbour, vulnerable to Indians, storms, fires, sickness and disease. Yet, to have the peace of tending your veggie garden, baking a Sunday spread or riding out with your husband and children to muster in cattle from the summer pastures. Everyone piling in the buggy for church on Sunday would be your only weekly social commitment and if Peru had an earthquake........well you would be totally unaware that it ever happened, let alone be distressed over what those poor folk were going through. Sure it would have been a tough existence, but every so often I yearn just to have a taste of what it would have been like. I suppose that's why I escape into books that are written back in the era and just spend a little portion of my day, romancing the idea of life on a ranch a decade ago. I wonder how different the ranchers wife's values, morals and beliefs were to mine.
One thing I am sure of, is God's promises to those ladies back then are the same promises that I can count on today. The prayers I send up for my children, family and friends would be similar to the prayers cried out back then.......less the Indians of course. 
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
It brings me comfort to know that although the world might change.....God never changes.

Jul. 25, 2019


NZ Heartache.......

Blogged in 2010

It sure does seem like " another day, another disaster" at the moment. What a start for 2011!
The NZ earthquake certainly stopped us in our tracks yesterday with graphic live media footage all day on the TV.  The voice of  trapped women, Anne Vos, on her mobile phone is something that really touched my heart. Wedged under a desk in the pitch dark, knowing she was bleeding and not being able to get the rescue workers to respond to her, she bravely spoke to the media via her mobile phone. Remarkably calm, she chatted for about 5 minutes, giving us a detailed description of her circumstances and what happened at the time of the quake. Praise God that our prayers have been answered this morning with the rescue of a woman called Anne. (Presumed to be Anne Vos)
Everyday people going through extraordinary events.
.....Lord, we do pray for miracles today, against all odds miracles. Ones that will lift the spirits of the people of NZ. I pray that loved ones will be found and your comfort and peace will surround those anxious and grieving. Help those to rebuild their lives emotionally and physically......drawing closer to you each day.
Just goes to prove how important it is to have a strong relationship with the Lord........we never know what the next day will bring!

Please continue to pray for all those involved.

Jul. 25, 2019


It's a good day!

Blogged in 2010

Today my youngest baby comes home, (well that's if you don't include the dog), back to Aussie shores. Yes, I know that she has only been gone 7 weeks, but I have missed her. After all, there has been no one to leave clothes all over the loungeroom, leave dishes in the sink, leave tack in the corrals and most importantly....feed and train my horses.
However, today Chels arrives home with her US trainer Talmadge Green and his fiance Megan. I wonder what they will think of Australia....think of our food.....think of Australia Zoo....think of my barrel racing!!!!!!!
Oh no, now all the should'aves and could'aves come to mind. Should'ave ridden yesterday and run some spunk out of the frisky one, shoud'ave had my other horse fitter and trimmer, could'ave eaten less and had me fitter and trimmer, should'ave cleaned my tack, could'ave dragged the arena.....the mental list goes on and on and on!  I know about "prior preparation prevents poor performance", but acting on it is another thing.
 No use worrying about it now, the barrel school is on friday and what will be will be. There are some mistakes in life made that don't really matter and others that are huge........this is a minor one. The biggest one to get right is based on eternity and the things of God.
A good friend taught me to ask myself, " Does it really matter in the light of eternity?"
Most of the time the answer is no.

Jul. 25, 2019


Angels hang out in my paddock!

Blogged in 2011

On Wed 2nd March, God  gave me yet another miracle in my life.
After giving one of our horses his food and putting some cream on his face, a procedure I do most mornings, I noticed that I had missed doing one ear. I reached down to smear one last bit and he  walked away from me, so I waited for him to come back. As he turned, I felt an incredible blow to my throat and jaw. It took me a moment to realise he had double barrelled, and got me in the throat. I hadn't even seen it coming!
Still on my feet and conscious, I climbed out of the paddock and made it only a little way back to the house where I sat next to the dam, the shock was setting in. It took a while before someone heard me yelling, which was getting harder each time I tried.
In the back of my mind I knew what would happen when the swelling started........my breathing would stop.
Obviously the Ambo's knew that too when they arrived 5 mins later. They had a neck brace on me, a drip line in my hand, heart monitors all over me and were trying to get the helicopters to come........but both were already being used.
In the meantime our friend Brock, who had called the ambulance, had the wisdom to call our Pastor and the prayers were multiplying as the minutes passed.
On the way to the hospital we picked up another  paramedic that was more qualified to put a tracheotomy in my throat if needed, praise God I was so peaceful and calm with all that was going on. 
At the hospital I stayed in the neck brace for 4 hours till they got the cat scans and x rays back...not one fracture or break was found. My throat over the time did not swell and the bruises were so minimal that the next day you could hardly see anything. I was discharged 9 hours after admission, the most pain I felt was to swallow........like swallowing razor blades. Nearly a week later it still hurts to eat...but it is just soft tissue damaged and is getting better each day.
Overall, it was a big inconvenience, yet an amazing testimony. What should have happened with an injury to the throat like that....just didn't eventuate.
I believe it was due to prayer.
What could have happened if it was an inch closer or higher might have been weeks in hospital or worse fatal.
God's angels were definitely on duty that morning.
I am very grateful for God's protection over me and praise Him for His peace and wisdom during a crisis.
The day after the accident I went shopping, to Australia Zoo, then out to dinner...........God is truly good.
Most people say I am lucky........I say I am blessed, kept in His Grip and riding in Victory's saddle.