Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
It has been a while and a lot of new changes have happened in my life, but I would love to rekindle this website and use it for Gods Glory.
I hope you enjoy the new look.
Oil and perfume rejoice
the heart; so does the sweetness of a friend's counsel that comes from the Lord
If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord", and believe in your heart that God reaised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Katie Dixon
Glad you’re back ❤️
Ded Ryan
Ok. Bought a. Mare from Jackie Dotson from johnstrown oh. I would like more information about famous Jr.
Sue Bartlett
Hi Joyce, glad to hear from you. Hope u r keeping well. I will amke enquiries about Leslie as I haven't heard for a while. I will let u know as soon as I hear.
Joyce Aldrich
Hi~~I have been trying to find out about Leslie Sillis~~can you tell me anything at all/would sure appreciate it if you can/I love him and know he has been sick
Lisa cox
Hi sue, just had a look at your web site an I love it! The stuff you have is georgous!!!
Jeanette Poede
Good luck on the weekend, Ride like you stole it!
Mike Shafer
I like your website!
Greg Floyd
bless ya Sue, thinking of you and standing with you sis brother Greg
This is such a wonderful web site~thank you for all the wonderful things you are doing here! God will truly bless you..
Debra Jean Anderson
Thanks for shareing all your wonderful things..been awhile since I have drop in ...God Blessing and prayers for all><><
Hi Sue, I am new to this site. I think what you are doing here is amazing. I am not a cowgirl but love to be around these amazing creatures. Blessings.
Sue Bartlett
Thank you so much Shanna....hope everyone is enjoying the site.
Shanna McLean
A friend told me about your website and I just had to see for myself how good this website is. I'm happy to say that your the only site that makes me feel good
Debra J Anederson
Blessing from me t o you all..I live in the fullness of God!!Amen!!
Bobbi-Jo Blake
HI Sue, love this site!!
are you competeing at Gatton flood releif rodeo??
i have been shopping and found some more great stuff for shirts!!
talk to you soon
Debra J Anderson
Hello from D.J. and Lord I ask for many a blessing for my friend and her family and my brothers and sister Dear Lord..I thank you everyday for life and wisdom
Geoff Parnell
great website_keep up the good work !!!!!!
Janelle spies
Make it a free download and you can view the daily diaryentries straight off your iPhone, and sve them and see the scriptures!! Etc... Yeh yeh??
Janelle spies
I have a new technological challenge for you. Create a diary entry app for iPhones! No idea Joe to do it but ur getting good at this computer stuff so....
Janelle spies
Mum your so talented!!! No wonder you, I mean I, always got A+ on my emglish assignments!!! Hehe
Your truly amazing, I'm so proud to have you as my mum!!!
EMGLISH??? I think your older sister got all the ENGLISH talent from her, hense her being a journalist!! HAHA But you defintely got the creative side! Love u
Shelly Frame
Hi Sue, Love the website, as usual you are an inspiration. Catch up with you soon at the next Barrel Race.
Just wanted to say Howdy to all and God Bless!!!
Katie Bartlett
Mum I am SOOOOOO proud of you!! So lucky to have the most amazing mother. Your such an inspiration!! Love you!! xx
I love this website~God is so good if we have the Faith to believe he will do what we Pray for! I recently had this happen to me!
Debbi Heaton
I found Sue's website & it's absolutely beautiful!! Take the time to read the pages & look at the pics.There's a peaceful quality to it!!!
Sue Bartlett
Email me Jess and we will pray for your needs together..xxxxooooo
a short note, to say I appreciate your encouragement through prayer I know prayer has given me a better understanding of life's incidents and God's Will for me.
Debra Jean Anderson
Father God..we know what so ever we ask it shall be done..we pray for all family..we stand in the gap..with Faith in heart and strenght of the word
Donna Barnes
Awesome ministry and website!Feel free to post as often as you like on our Facebook group or Fan page!~Donna Barnes,Cowboys For Christ
Edith Rampa
You're just an amazing woman. I found your profile in the Proverbs 31.10-31
Looking forward to meet you
Sue Bartlett
Thanks everyone, so exciting to see that people in the US are loving the website. Technology is amazing...........God is more amazing!!
HELLO ! from South Dakota! God Bless all you do in Jesus Name!
Beverly Brewer
Happy Trails to everyone...
Marsh Alvarado
I am a cowgirl from way back...God is always with you..Dont believe you are alone..He isour next breath!
Margaret Sands
Im not a cowgirl, just wondering why god has deserted why god has deserted me in my hour of need.
Jessica somerville
What about me I need praying for
Sue Bartlett
Hi, have sent you a email, there are people praying for you too. Jesus felt deserted too in his hour of need, but God was still there.
Debra Jean
Hello..and Gods speed in all your doing..may he lead and guide you through
many a wonderful ride your on now..and blessing to you today..God Bless
your sister
Robin Mendell
i love this site.
I love your idea about bringing the lord to to the rodeo scene. cong . thanks sue. i live in va .
Leslie Sillis
I know this will be something very special, you have much to share. I have little in Cowgirl pics and such I'll send What I do ... <><
Jacki Blucher
What a great idea.... Well done Sue xx
Sue bartlett
Thanks Jackie, let me know if u have any ideas for the site.
diane clift
hey sueie, di here, just checked out your page and am wondering what is taking the rest of the world to realize what a great opportunity they are all missing
Sue Bartlett
Hey Di, can't wait for you to come home and brainstorm over this site with me. Also cant wait for Tamworth with you....I miss you.