Aug. 7, 2019



Kindness and warm-heartedness can be spread throughout a community, just as ripples radiate out across the water when you drop a pebble into a pond. Even if you remove that pebble, the ripples continue.

Every so often there is a life lived that leaves a huge impact on a lot of people and it's not till that person passes on that you realise the legacy they were leaving. There is no celebrity status, no millionaire riches, no political stance, no genuis scientific discoveries........ not even an ounce of limelight or 15 seconds of fame!

Instead what we see is kindness, humility, hard work, a willingness to help, reliability, dedication and a beautiful smile. 

That was SNOW FOX, our gateman.

You see money cant buy what Snow had, it can't buy respect, it can't buy appreciation and it can't buy love. These three things have to be earned and Snow had surely earnt them many times over. He was our arena gateman at our barrel races and was the last smiling face we saw before making a run. He has opened those gates thousands of times, a job most of us didnt want to do, because its hard on your body standing there all day, but Snow did it.

There would be a lot of high corporate CEO's who would not view Snow's life as a successful one, but I can tell you now, Snow left a stronger legacy then most of them ever will. He impacted hundreds of lives with a wonderful example of kindness. A gentleman who left thousands of beautiful memories in the ripples of his life. He had a purpose, on the surface it looked like it was just opening an arena gate, but underneath that was a powerful message of how to achieve honor and to win the hearts of many.

And that's what life is about! We will miss you Snow, there will never be another gateman like you.

If you would like to read a poem about Snow that I wrote years ago, then click on Cowgirl Poetry in the menu.


Jul. 25, 2019


Sink or swim

Blogged in 2011

Chelsea decided that Dundee should learn to swim the other day before he went to his new home. He obviously showed a little hesitation, so she thought prevention would be better.........just in case.

I think Dundee would have preferred to take his chances after she produced the big, green, highly unattractive, embarrassing floatie!!!!

No doubt there was a bit of teasing going on in the paddock that night.........poor Dundee  

Jul. 25, 2019



Blogged in 2011

 Down at he Tamworth Country Music Festival.
There are musicians in every club, pub, street stage, shopfront........I wouldn't be surprised to see someone singing in the ladies toilets!!!
Watched the 4D barrel racing this morning and was excited to see Leslie Moore win the High Point Saddle.
I am watching the second round of the Junior ABCRA Rodeo Finals at the moment..........really talented juniors down here.
Given out loads of Cowboy bibles and meeting some really friendly country people.
A great experience, well worth the journey down.

Jul. 25, 2019



Blogged in 2010

Had an amazing time down Tamworth, but I am totally worn out now. Between attending the rodeo every night, talking to people at our Chaplain's booth, visiting injured girls at the hospital, plus seeing a little of the Country Music....not to mention the 10 hr trip home....yes I'm exhausted. But it was worth it! We gave out 150 cowboy bibles and ran out with 2 rodeos to go, we had so many people asking for them and just coming over for a chat. A lot of people sat down and watched the DVD 'Cowboys of Faith' which we had playing all the time. I't great to see the youth following in their heroes footsteps by searching for their own relationship with God.
My love and prayers goes out to the 3 girls ( 2 barrel racers and 1 steer undecorater) who are still in in intensive care. Take care girls, take time to mend and hope you are back riding as soon as possible. 
As for the festival...well that's just a little bit crazy, as you can see from the photo....singing in the teaming rain!!! However, to have the chance to catch up with the other rodeo chaplains....Brian, Les, Chri and Paul, well that was the highlight. Thanks guys for some wonderful insight and a really fun time. Thanks also to my travelling buddy Di, and our host Coralie, we shared many a laugh together.

The Bible states "Where two or more are gathered in my name, there will I (God) be also."
Jul. 25, 2019



Blogged in 2010

Ok, so all I want today is to sit and sew with my ipod shuffling along one country song after another......
But no!!! It's stuck on repeat which has caused me to have to press the little button every 3.5 mins to change the song manually.
It's similar when every time I try to operate the TV, with it's 2 remotes, it decides to not speak to me......I check, and it's not even on mute.
The telephone is no more co-operative when I try to transfer a call. Poor person always has to ring back cause I cut them off and all they hear is beep, beeeep, beeeeeep.
And why is it that an 8 yr old could probably fix these problems and I can't.
I just become so frustrated over technology.....I have a brain.....they have a battery and wires.....yet they beat me every time.
Then God gently reminds me ( and sometimes it takes an hour before I hear Him) that "it really doesn't matter in the light of eternity".
He has my eternal life planned ahead of me while the ipod, TV and phone are headed for the rubbish tip. 
🙂- Thank-you Lord for loving me so much.