We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties. ~Oswald Chambers

Walking through a time of crisis with the illness of a loved one can be a very lonely journey. So let's partner alongside two dear friends of mine, who are praying for healing for their precious mothers.
Please pray for
the complete healing of the mother of my lovely friend, Judy . Her name is  Nell.
This dear lady is gravely ill,  very weak and has dropped a lot of weight in a short period of time. I believe that cancer has been diagnosed.
The other lady is the mother of my dear friend Debra Jean. Carole has just been diagnosed with cancer and will start treatment soon.
We are praying that God totally heals both these wonderful women  and that He will give hope and comfort to those family members and friends, who are caring for and praying for miracles at this time.
Eleanor Roosevelt once said ......You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. 

And it shall be that before they call I will answer; and while they are yet speaking I will hear Isaiah 65: 24

I never had the honor to know Delaney personally, but I do know that she was a very special person that made a difference in this world!
What an amazing little girl, who taught so many to love one another and appreciate every day.

Delaney Wadsworth Passed away at approximately 11:30 p.m. on March 13th, 2011. She was at Home and went Peacefully. She was surrounded by her loving Family.

This little angel has touched over 35,000 peoples lives with her story. God truely was her comfort and peace, at times like this faith is all we have to hang onto.
Delaney told her Mummy and Daddy that she was so excited she was dying......her Mummy said "who told you that" ....Delaney said "God told me".
If you don't have that kind of confidence.... then invest in the time to look into the most important decision of your life! Being a Christian is not about believing in God, it is about having a relationship with God, trusting Him and giving him the steering wheel to your life.
You are just a prayer away from having assurance that you too will see eternity, just like Delaney.

Dear Lord,
I admit that I have done many things that don’t please you. I have lived my life for myself. I am sorry and I repent. I ask you to forgive me. I believe that you died on the cross for me, to save me. You did what I could not do for myself. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life, I give it to you. Help me to live every day in a way that pleases you. I love you, Lord, and I thank you that I will spend all eternity with you.


Maybe one day we too can impact 35,000 people to love one another.

Go to my facebbok page to see Delaney's story. Please LIKE Delaney's Facebook page "Prayers for Delaney" and leave your condolences for Angel Delaney and her Family.

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.

—John 14:1-3

Delaney .......cowgirl's prayers
A dear friend of mine in Wyoming, USA, has messaged me to pray for a sweet little child named Delaney. 
Together, we have decided to call on people to pray for Delaney's needs and complete healing through this website.
Every prayer will make a difference. Please make it a habit to pray each day and support this little girl and her family. I will bring you updates on Delaney's progress and needs over the next coming months.
Below is and extract from my friend, Debra Jean's letter.
This year, 3 year old Delaney Wadsworth was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor called Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma. The doctors gave her a 5% chance that she would make it past 1 year. This was July 3rd. We  now mark 7 months.

Sweet Delaney had some more tests this week and today the doctors told the family that there are limited options left. Family and friends remain faithful.

A note from her Aunt Angie: "Not too many options, all are experimental & have the same outcome - hard decisions are being made - basically she has got 2 to 3 months here with us. ----? Auntie Ang"

A note from her mom: "Okay, so here it is... We have Delaney home, she is going to stay home. :) We are going to have a broviac line put back in, in a couple weeks or so. Jason and I have not decided what we are going to do yet with the options. We still have time, she is still doing well, just a little wobbly and her left side is failing a bit. WE WILL NOT GIVE UP EVER!!!!!! PLEASE KEEP PRAYING AND PRAYING!! We know God can hear our cries. We thank all of you for all your support, prayers, gifts, photos, and everything you have done for us. it means so so much. You are more helpful and help to lift us up everyday. Thank you. We will keep you all updated. Love, Mom"

Brenna and Jason Wadsworth, Delaney's mum and dad, say they "will not give up ever", please support them.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

Helen Keller


09.01.2018 00:59

Deb Davidson

I am Delaney's Grandma and I am thankful for all the prayers=I took all three photos of great memories. May God grant me entry to see her again. Thank you all

25.02.2011 04:39


Our prayers are with you and your "little miss delaney". just remember..... God has a plan and his word is Love. Delaney is a child of God.

23.02.2011 23:42


My prayers are with Delaney and the family.

23.02.2011 16:24

laur sona

A very special prayer will be sent for you Miss Dalaney..and your family.

11.02.2011 07:45

Joyce Aldrich

Heavenly Father I come to you for Delaney~You and only you know the reason for her sickness,but we Pray if it be your will God to heal this little girl~Amen :

09.02.2011 02:25

Jamie (Barto) Womack & Josh Womack

Miss Delaney, We are praying for you sweet girl! Stay strong and God bless! The Womack's
Nashville Tennessee

08.02.2011 19:41

Julie Barto

Praying for Delaney. May God surround her and her family with love and find a miracle.

08.02.2011 00:33

Debra J Anderson

God Bless you sweety and my our Lord look out for her and some many
I well post on my site..so all can see plus to Deb..Thank you Honey!!!